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Race against pathogens


The Minister of Welfare based on European models established the Center in 1998.
The predecessor, the Hungarian Royal National Institute of Public Health (IPH) was inaugurated in 1927. The main responsibilities of the Institute covered the following: prevention and control of infectious diseases (malaria, TB, typhus); vaccine production; support and laboratory backup to the public health authorities; training of the health officers and post-graduate training.
A national institute, NCE, was founded that is professionally independent and able for rapid and efficient decisions with the primary mission including control of communicable diseases and nosocomial infections, related microbiological activities, and the control of immunobiological products. Information systems have been operated for strategic decision-making in the field of public health and epidemiology, and analysis and recommendations on prevention of infections are provided. NCE has participated in professional codification procedures. In emergency situation NCE experts make proposals for epidemiological preparedness (flood, influenza pandemic, bioterrorism).
NCE is a partner institute of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (established in April 2004) and member of the EU Epidemiological Surveillance Network. NCE has collaboration and partnership with the ECDC as a competent body and represented in the Management Board and Advisory Forum. Ad hoc teams including our experts collaborate and provide opinion or advice on topical issues or events. The leading experts in NCE have collaboration with 30 specific epidemiological and microbiological networks, and data on communicable diseases in Hungary are regularly forwarded to ECDC.

NCE is responsible for the National Nosocomial Surveillance System, and has the largest microbiological data basis monitoring antimicrobial resistance. For the safety of patient care and prevention of nosocomial infections, NCE controls and investigates hospital infections, nosocomial outbreaks, and informs the public.

In the reference and accredited microbiological laboratories of NCE scientific research and diagnostic tests are performed. 161 tests are accredited by the National Accreditation Board. The identification reference laboratories determine non-identifiable bacterium strains in samples received from various laboratories. These laboratories have been participating also in international circular research. The Center has operated and developed Hungarian Collection of Medical Micro-organisms and established the National Serum Bank. The BSL 3-4 Laboratory provides the most up to date background in Hungary for the testing of dangerous pathogens and timely identification of imported infectious disease cases.

The Immunization Advisory Board of NCE endeavours to plan, organise and control the vaccination system. The National Drug Focal Point collects, analyses and furnishes data established in other institutes for the decision making of national and international institutes in relation with detection, management and solution of drug problem.
NCE has a leading role in health pest control and in biological potency and physiological testing of insecticides/pesticides prior certification. Microbiological potency tests related to disinfection and sterilization are performed.
Within the frame of epidemic intelligence activity detection, verification, analyses and assessment of events representing a threat to public health are performed.
The training and information systems provide the necessary knowledge and information for the professionals in various areas of the country for their rapid and effective actions. The training includes the further education of public health controllers.
The International Vaccination Centre in NCE affords information about health issues in connection with international travels, risk or need of mandatory and recommended vaccines, and immunizes the travellers. Important and current information and data are available at the home page (
www. and in the weekly, EPINFO.


    Bulletin of NCE

    Structure of NCE

About us
Our outstanding scientists


Blood sample taking
Control of Vectors and Pests
Drug Focal Point
Hospital Epidemiology & Hygien
Medical Bacteria Collection
Department of Retroviruses
QC of Immunobiologicals
Travel medicin & vaccination

    Microbiological laboratories

Accreditation certificates
Proficiency testing

    NCE - as a training site


    Library of NCE

    Annual reports

