For a Healthy Future of Our Children - Childhood immunisation Conference
Budapest, 3-4 March 2011



Venue: Museum of Ethnography (Néprajzi Múzeum) - Kossuth Lajos Square (tér) 12., H - 1055 Budapest


3 March 2011, Thursday

From 12.00   Arrival of participants, sandwich buffet

13.00 - 13.20  Opening remarks

  • Hanna Páva, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of National Resources, Hungary
  • Commissioner John Dalli (video message)
  • John F. Ryan, Head of Unit, Commission/DG SANCO
  • Marc Sprenger, Director, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
  • Zsuzsanna Jakab, Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for Europe 

13.20 - 15.00   Session I.
Chair: John F. Ryan European Commission / DG SANCO

Successes and challenges of European childhood immunisation

Childhood immunisation programs have been instrumental for controlling infectious diseases in Europe but many challenges remain, including reaching under-vaccinated groups, engaging with vaccine sceptics and achieving measles elimination.

Successes and challenges of European childhood immunisation
John F. Ryan, European Commission/DG SANCO

Vaccination programmes in Europe: a long story of successes
Pier Luigi Lopalco, ECDC

Measles in Europe
Steffen Glismann, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Towards a common EU immunisation schedule or from DTP to HPV
Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, Institute de veille sanitair, France

Challenges in documenting individual immunisations and differences between national vaccination schedules can result in some children not fully immunised.

Country experiences, Germany: Challenges in documenting individual immunisations & differences between national vaccination schedules can result in some children not fully immunised
Ole Wichmann, Robert- Koch-Institut, Germany

Challenges in documenting childhood immunization in Poland
Pawel Stefanoff, National Institute of Public Health, Poland

Exchange of views

15.00 - 15.30   Coffee break

15.30 - 17.30   Session  II.
Chair: Rebecca  Martin, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Cross-border issues in childhood immunisation

Vaccine preventable diseases do not respect national borders and social boundaries.

For A Healthy Future of our Children - Childhood Immunization
Nedret Emiroglu, WHO/Euro

Vaccine preventable diseases do not respect national borders and social boundaries
Antoon Gijsens, European Commission/DG SANCO

Generating and effectively communicating evidence-based information is essential for maintaining public trust in childhood immunisation programmes.

Generating and effectively communicating evidence-based information is essential for maintaining public trust in childhood immunization programmes
Robb Butler, WHO/Euro

Communication and public trust in childhood immunisation programmes
Niklas Danielsson, ECDC

Standardised multi-lingual personal EU immunisation cards could improve communication between vaccine service providers across Europe.

For a Healthy Future of Our Children Childhood immunisation - Cross-border aspects of childhood vaccination in Hungary
Ágnes Csohán, National Centre for Epidemiology, Hungary

Standardised multi-lingual personal EU immunisation cards could improve communication between vaccine service providers across Europe
Antoon Gijsens, European Commission/DG SANCO

Exchange of views

Guided tour in the Parliament

19.00   Dinner in the Museum of Ethnography


4 March 2011, Friday

09.00 - 10.30   Session III.
Chair: John OToole, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Monitoring of vaccination coverage

Assessing the risk of outbreaks in Europe requires reliable and timely monitoring of vaccination coverage.

WANTED - Accurate and timely data for action; REWARD - Prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks
Rebecca Martin, WHO/Euro

Monitoring of Vaccination Coverage in the EU
Pier Luigi Lopalco, ECDC

Monitoring of vaccine coverage and supporting information systems. Country experiences.

The Immunisation Information System in Sweden
Harald Heijbel, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Sweden

European Conference on Immunisation Information Systems (ECIIS)
Harald Heijbel, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Sweden

Monitoring Vaccination Coverage - the UK Experience
Gayatri Amirthalingam, Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom

Monitoring of vaccine coverage and supporting information system - The Hungarian experiences
Beatrix Oroszi, Office of Chief Medical Officer, Hungary

10.30 - 11.00   Coffee break

11.00 - 12.30   Session IV.
Chair: Ildikó Kissné Horváth, Ministry of National Resources, Hungary

Special efforts to improve immunisation in general and in under-vaccinated population groups

Some children for different reasons have significantly lower immunisation coverage than national averages across Europe (ethnic Roma and Travellers' children, antivaccination groups)

Migrant immunization in Europe - The PROVOMAX project
István Szilárd, Hungar, PROMOVAX Project

Roundtable discussion

Measles outbreak in Bulgaria, 2009-2010
Mira Kojouharova, Bulgaria

  • Adriana Pistol, Romania
  • Marina Conyn,  the Netherlands
  • Alenka Kraigher, Slovenia
  • Darina OFlanagan, Ireland
  • Rosa Cano-Portero, Spain

Exchange of views

12:30 - 14:30   Buffet lunch

14.30 - 15:30   Session V.
Co-chairs: Ildikó Kissné Horváth, Hungarian Presidency
John F. Ryan Commission/DG SANCO
Mark Sprenger, ECDC

Shared responsibility for action at national and EU levels

Future plans to ensure childhood immunisation to the migrant/unreached population in Europe

  • Antoon Gijsens, Commission/DG SANCO
  • Pier Luigi Lopalco, ECDC

Reaching every child - How to ensure immunization services for all in the European Region
Dr Rebecca Martin, WHO/EURO

15.30 - 16.00   Session VI.

Summary of the meeting

Conclusions, recommendations and next steps

Closing remarks

  • Ildikó Kissné Horváth, Hungarian Presidency
  • John F. Ryan, Commission/DG SANCO
  • Marc Sprenger, Director, ECDC
  • Nedret Emiroglu, WHO/EURO


Conclusions from the Conference

A konferencia következtetései



    Aktuális témák

Európai PP vizsgálat
Számlaszám változás!!!
Meningococcus tájékoztató
A Zikavírus-járványról
Sárgaláz elleni védőoltás
A fejtetű elleni védekezés
Ágyipoloska - GYIK
A kullancsokról
Chlamydia – ECDC útmutató
Kórházi jelentések
OSZIR útmutatók

    Adatok, adatbázisok

Fertőző betegségek
Szexuálisan terjedő fertőzések
Kórházi fertőzések
Irtószerek adatbázisa


    VÉRVÉTEL-HIV/AIDS tanácsadás


    Szakmai információk

Módszertani levelek
Jelentendő betegségek
OKNE tájékoztató
HIV és a HCV gyorstesztek
Laboratóriumi surveillance
Multirezisztens kórokozók
Fogászati infekciókontroll
Clostridium difficile
KÖR eredmények

    Mikrobiológiai laboratóriumok

Jártassági körvizsgálat 2017
Körvizsgálati tájékoztató
Mikrobiológiai körlevél
Referencia Laboratóriumok
NEMZETKÖZI körvizsgálat

    A Törzsközpont (HNCMB)


A kézfertőtlenítés fázisai
Fertőtlenítőszerek listája


Fertőző betegségek
Európai Védőoltási Hét
Európai Antibiotikum Nap
IMI és az ADVANCE projekt

    Lakossági tájékoztatók




Az ECDC működése
ECDC hírek
Az ECDC publikációi


    Pályázati hírek

    Az OEK álláspályázatai