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International scientific relations of the Department of Parasitology

National Institute of Health, Dept. of Parasitology (Tokyo, Japan): Research on "free-living" amoebae as possible human pathogenic agents; development of molecular biologic methods for their identification and typing.

Kyungpook National University, Dept. of Parasitology (Taegu, Korea): Research on free-living amoebae; identification of their endosymbionts.

Hanyang University, Dept. of Parasitology (Seoul, Korea): Collaborative studies in some problems of the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis and trichomonosis.

University of Portsmouth, Molecular Biological Laboratories (Portsmouth, UK): Molecular biological characterization of human Trichomonas isolates.

Public Health Laboratory Service, Toxoplasma Reference Unit (Swansea, UK): Study the newer methods in the laboratory diagnostics of Toxoplasma and analysis of the laboratory diagnostic protocols on the basis of the newer and newer knowledge about the disease.

Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Institute of Child Health (London, UK): Systematic survey on congenital toxoplasmosis and treatment of data in a collaborative study group (Systematic Review on Congenital Toxoplasmosis=SYROCOT)

Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden): Strategy of the diagnostics of toxoplasmosis in immunosuppressed patients in a collaborative study group (ESCMID Study Group on Toxoplasmosis=ESGT).

Dipartimento di Sanitá Pubblica Veterinaria e Patologia Animale, Universitá degli Studi (Bologna, Italy): Laboratory identification of Dirofilaria repens. Analysis of the epidemiology of Dirofilaria infection.

Minufiya University, Dept. of Parasitology (Sadat City, Egypt): Introduction of modern methods in the diagnostics of the infections caused by Dirofilaria repens.

Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Dept. of Parasitology (Jerusalem, Israel): Improvement of the laboratory diagnostics of Blastocystis hominis by modern methods.

Servicio de Parasitología, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III Madrid, Spain): Collaborative study on the prevalence and molecular biological, and immunological characterization of zoonotic protozoa (Toxoplasma gondii, Giardia intestinalis ) in humans and animals with special reference to laboratory diagnostic and epidemiologic aspects.  Research on the determination of Plasmodium spp by molecular biological methods.


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